Leaving things behind

  • September 29, 2023
  • Meta

New challenges

After working for one single agency for almost 13 years, I needed a change and decided to make myself available for new opportunities.

Once I made this decision, I instantly felt a great relief, even without having done anything other than thinking about it.

The first step I took, was that I allowed myself to be contacted by a recruiter, which took about an hour, because my LinkedIn profile got several recruiter messages every day. For me, a single message stood out, so I decieded to answer with “Yes, I’m interested”!

From this recruiter I got three job offers which led to three job interviews which led to three invitations for three on-site interviews.

And now, since July 2023, I’m working for a great company called tetraeder and I’m more than happy to work there.

My mission is to port a really huge legacy code base to Symfony using a Domain Driven approach.

WordPress, PHP and Symfony

I had been working with WordPress since 2005, and I loved it. I had a constant interest in PHP frameworks like Symfony and Laravel too, and had used these in several projects of various sizes. Always impressed by the frameworks and the style of PHP coding they made possible, I happily came back to WordPress again - not just because my job needed me to do it.

Now I’m deep into designing a huge new project with Symfony and because of my quite emotional break with the former agency, my interest for WordPress begins to fade. And this is kind of sad for me, but maybe my passion for WordPress comes back some time.

I had very much fun writing the article series on modern PHP in WordPress plugins , but for the time being, there will be no more articles on that topic.

In the future there will be articles about legacy code and how to refactor and migrate it.

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